April 18th, 2021


I would like to share something very personal with you and begin by asking a question.  All of you who are parents or grandparents: do you feel responsible for the safety of your children or grandchildren when they are in your care?

I venture to guess that none of you would answer “no” to that question.

I feel a TREMENDOUS responsibility to make sure that EVERY person who enters our campus for any reason is safe and protected from a deadly virus.

Church is a very public institution. We welcome a vast number of people with different needs, at different places emotionally, spiritually, physically, politically. We are a Catholic Church which means universal, and that universality is not simply geographic; it is philosophical, theological and practical. This catholicity, so to speak, although diverse in theory, can spawn a consumer mentality emphasizing an ‘I only want what I want from church and am not concerned with the well-being or needs of the ENTIRE community and I don’t want anyone interfering with what I want’ attitude.

WE are all tired of Covid restrictions, but I want to encourage all of us to continue to be diligent in our protective behavior. We have a very hard working and dedicated group of staff and volunteers who work extremely hard to help us all to follow protocols that are keeping us safe. As your pastor, I want you to know how seriously I, and our team, take the responsibility of keeping all of us healthy.

I have noticed some behavior recently that does not follow our protocols. Some are ignoring instructions from ushers and greeters. Some are congregating in the Narthex and, although natural behavior, it can also be dangerous. Please follow the procedures that we have put in place when you enter and exit our church for any reason.  Please consider that others may be more sensitive than you about our procedures, but if we ALL practice them until otherwise directed, we can be as pro-life as possible by protecting the precious gift of life that God has given to each of us.

At The Table
We are continuing our At The Table series through the Easter season and perhaps beyond.  Each week we will present a SHORT question and answer informative video presentation at the beginning of Mass to follow up on the presentations we did previously.

This Week’s Question: Can you explain the difference between Mass, Liturgy and Eucharist?
Mass is the plan or structure, the recipe if you will, calling for the ingredients of bread, wine, people, scripture, song and more. Mass is the plan or script.  Liturgy is the shared work and participation of those present – the activity of public prayer and worship. Eucharist is the feast of thanksgiving and celebration. Eucharist is the grace-filled result of Mass and Liturgy during which Christ’s REAL presence is REALIZED in our midst and received as a gift of love from God. The Holy Spirit works through the blending of Mass, Liturgy and Eucharist, coming together in the ultimate expression of our identity as THE BODY OF CHRIST.

Volunteers Needed
Given my comments above, we are in need of volunteers to help in the welcoming, greeting and ushering of our community, and that need is growing. During the next two months we will be offering several Confirmations and First Communions, a growing number of weddings that were previously canceled, in addition to funerals, baptisms and increased weekend Masses.

Please consider helping and encouraging someone else who is welcoming and attentive to help as well. Simply contact Sue Geegan at sgeegan@holyfamilyparish.org. I am counting on your generosity here to continue Holy Family’s welcoming spirit!

Also, please let us know if you are not able to fulfill a reservation for Mass. Each Mass we have several people or families who do not attend but register to do so. That often eliminates the possibility for others to register and, quite simply, is not courteous.

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