Footsteps in Faith: Sacramental Preparation for Adults
(Order of Christian Initiation for Adults)

Our Footsteps in Faith/Footsteps Team invites you (or someone you know who is searching for a faith community) to join us for the spiritual journey of becoming a fully initiated Catholic.

We invite anyone who would like to learn more about the process of becoming Catholic or completing the Sacraments to an Inquiry Night for Footsteps in Faith.
Monday, August 26, 2024 at 7:00 pm at Holy Family
For more information or to register, contact Mary Whiteside at or 847-907-3450

Footsteps in Faith
Our Footsteps in Faith/Footsteps Team invites you (or someone you know who is searching for a faith community) to join us for the spiritual journey of becoming a fully initiated Catholic.

This process is for:
• Adults who have never been baptized
• Adults who were baptized in another faith and wish to become Catholic
• Adults who were baptized Catholic, but never received First Eucharist or Confirmation.

The Footsteps in Faith process is a nine-month experience, happening all over the world at the same time.  The formal experience begins in the fall and continues through the Easter season, with emphasis on the beautiful rites along the way and the Easter Vigil, where the Sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation are celebrated with the community.

At Holy Family, we have created our program to be relevant to today’s issues, and we seek to help adults realize how their faith forms their responses to the challenges of life and the joys of life.  Our stories are an important part of this experience, and we share them together.  We learn about the Catholic faith and apply it, creating space for spiritual growth, wholeness, and recognition that all are loved unconditionally and fully by our God.

To learn more about our RCIA/Footsteps experience, please contact:
Mary Whiteside in the Adult Faith Life office at or 847-907-3450.

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