A Personal Invitation

fr-keehan-weekly-article-doing-moreFr Terry July 3 2016

Happy Independence Day!  Let’s celebrate our journey toward, and our ongoing journey of, American freedom.

Personal invitation is so important in almost every aspect of life. When we personally reach out to someone and acknowledge the uniqueness of their journey, their struggles, their interests, their passions, and engage them in an invitation, the response is often very meaningful and powerful. In spiritual matters this reality can be particularly meaningful.  Holy Family is a very unique community with so much to offer.  As we continue to grow and evolve, our mission is fulfilled by new, different and unique individuals.

I am certain that each of us knows family members, neighbors, friends and acquaintances who are searching for a community of faith to join. Many people might not readily admit that they are looking, but they often are.  Many simply don’t know how enriching Holy Family can be. I am certain that each of us knows people here at Holy Family who are looking to get more involved, or to share their talents in support of our very ambitious mission. Please consider personally inviting someone to join us for a weekend liturgy, or a talk, or activity, or ministry.

One of the most important personal invitations that we can extend is to those interested in learning more about Catholicism and/or wanting to become Catholic.  Please take a moment to think about someone in your life who may be interested in becoming Catholic and personally ask them to join our RCIA (or Footsteps) process.  RCIA stands for the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults and is for 3 general groups of people who…

  1. Have never been baptized
  2. Have been baptized in a Christian denomination OTHER than Catholic, such as Lutheran, Methodist, Presbyterian, United Church of Christ, Baptist, and Community Churches, etc.
  3. Have been baptized in a Catholic Church but not received any other sacraments.

You may forward their contact information to Bonnie Rooney at 847-977-4715 or give Bonnie’s contact info to them.  Please take some time to reflect on this and the importance of your PERSONAL invitation.

Hopefully you have noticed that construction has begun in our welcoming area and front office this past week. This is the final enhancement and project of Our Family, Our Faith, Our Future capital campaign which began in 2011.  Those of you who pledged and fulfilled your pledges to the campaign have made this new area,  along with the completion of the lower level of the Brennan Center with new classrooms, capital fund replacement and paying off our debt, a reality. Later this summer we will begin replacing the projectors and screens in Church and making other related technological upgrades.  The new A/V system is a major element in helping Holy Family fulfill our mission: “To engage all in the sacramental life through vibrant worship, life-long learning and passionate community.”  Your continuing support is essential for bringing our mission to life.  We thank you for your generosity, whether through weekly collections, capital campaigns or special directed donations. This upgrade will help us take a big step forward in integrating our audio, visual and informational messages that are critical to the uniqueness of Holy Family.

This past February, over 470 supporters of Holy Family Catholic Community and the mission of our entire parish gathered at the Meadows Club for our 14th annual Gala with a Roaring ’20’s theme.  The evening rekindled images of Chicago in the 1920’s; women in flapper dresses and men in zoot suits.  We were entertained by our own Gene Garcia at the piano bar, followed by the ’20’s themed dancers and singers.  Attendees were able to bid on a wide variety of items in live and silent auctions, and ended the evening with the sounds of One Night Band. During the evening I was constantly amazed at the vibrancy and generosity of our entire community.

Over the past two years our Gala has raised over $430,000 to support the ambitious mission of Holy Family Catholic Community.  My thanks again to Heather and Bob Robak and Janine and Bill Vainisi who stepped up to chair the event, which was another huge success.  Last April we put into place a process whereby any staff member (Academy or Parish) can petition for use of the funds raised for initiatives that were outside of the anticipated budgeting process.  A board, comprised of Ro Geisler, our parish manager, Kate O’Brien, our principal, and me oversee the review of these requests and subsequent distribution of these funds.  Since April the oversight board has approved, or has approvals pending for the following requests:

  • Campus wide wireless network to handle increased Wi-Fi usage in the Academy and provide increased coverage in other areas
  • Modifications to the choir/band platform in the church
  • An upgraded sound system in the Multitorium
  • Inspirational speakers for parish children enrolled in Family Faith (Religious Education)
  • Adaptation of some Nursery space to accommodate a growing 2 year old pre-school
  • Electronic keyboard for use anywhere on campus
  • New projection system and screen in Common Ground to enhance web broadcasts and the streaming of remote presentations.

These funds have provided enriched experiences to our liturgical and educational ministries, but we have the capability to do so much more to support the meaningful, worthwhile programs and ministries that further our mission.  Additional information on the process to requests funds can be obtained by contacting Len Locascio, our new controller, at llocascio@holyfamilyparish.org .

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