June 25 2023

Congratulations, Dr. Peg!

Dr. Peg Hanrahan is retiring as our Director of Teen and Family Faith.  For the past eight years she has provided wisdom and leadership for children, teens, our staff and indeed our entire faith community.

Dr. Peg has served at six different parishes in the Archdiocese of Chicago in a number of capacities including as a Catechist, Director of Religious Education and Pastoral Associate.  She was also on the staff at Regina Dominican High School in Wilmette. Her career has included creative planning and execution in liturgy, elementary, teen, and adult formation.

Including here at Holy family, Dr. Peg has creatively and faithfully served the Archdiocese of Chicago for FORTY-NINE YEARS.

I have particularly appreciated her deep insights on scripture and spirituality at our weekly Directors meetings that always begin with reading and reflecting on the coming weekend’s Gospel at Mass. Peg has written the script for each of the past seven Teen Passion Plays and will continue to do so.

We will have a special farewell blessing for Dr. Peg on Catechetical Sunday, September 17 during the 11:00am FM Mass.

Dr. Peg leaves a rich legacy with us here at Holy Family and during her retirement gathering recently with our staff she shared some eloquent insights about her ministry. She began in a cohort of 24 lay ministers right out of college for the Archdiocese and she is the last active minister of that group. She said that ministry is, “Both a blessing yet treacherous,” a very good assessment of the benefits and challenges of church work, and that “God doesn’t call us to be perfect, He calls us to be faithful.”

In the spirit of blessing a very faithful servant of the Church, may we all prayerfully extend to Dr. Peg:

May the Road rise to meet you, Peg.

   Our road has risen with you on our team.

May the wind be always at your back.

   You have been a wind of innovation for us, Peg.

May your purse always hold a coin or two.

   Your shared knowledge has been priceless for us.

May the rains fall soft upon your field.

   Your many kindnesses have fallen softly upon the field of Holy Family.

And, until we meet again, know that we here at Holy Family

   hold you in our hearts as God holds you in the palm of his hand.

My Retreat

As you read this, I will be beginning my 30-Day Silent Directed Retreat in the beautiful state of Colorado.

Friar Johnpaul Cafiero will be moving into the Rectory to be a sacramental presence while I am away.  Fathers Brian Simpson and Britto Berchmans will also help to cover emergencies, Anointings of the Sick, Reconciliation and any other pastoral needs that may arise.

As I prepare to enter into this grace-filled time, I am aware of a prayer that I wrote on my last 30 Day Silent Directed Retreat that I pray before I read scripture in preparation for homilies and for my own enrichment.  Perhaps it may assist you in reflecting on the inspired word of God that is scripture.

Lord, may your grace reinforce the significant and familiar in this passage that you have shown me before. If there is something new that you wish for me to notice, may your grace magnify it.  May your grace minimize that which is distracting me. Lord, help me to see what you want me to see, to hear what you want me to hear and to feel what you want me to feel.

Peace, and see you after August 2, God willing.

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