May 8, 2022

Happy Mother’s Day

     The older I get, the more I appreciate the many mothers who inspire me. Both in my family and in our parish family I am impressed with the varying examples, strengths, challenges and struggles of motherhood. Our parish was founded in the name of the family that formed Jesus; he and Joseph and Mary. But we were also founded with the charge to BE a Holy Family ourselves. I simply want to acknowledge today, the role that countless women play in making their family, our family and our world—holier. THANKS MOMS.

Gala Thanks

     We hosted a very energetic Rock and Roll themed Gala here on our campus on April 23 beginning, as we should, with a very uplifting Mass.  I want to thank many very generous sponsors at various levels of giving.

Cross of New Life – Michael & Melissa Canning, Anonymous

Diamond – Smith-Corcoran Funeral Home,

Cornerstone National Bank & Trust

Emerald – The Struckmeyer Family, Archadeck, CARE Roofing

Ruby – Roshny & Chad Archer, Donna & Timothy Madel

Sapphire – Ahlgrim & Sons Funeral Home/Cremation Services in Schaumburg, National Plastics,Edwards Engineering, Linda Longmeyer – Berkshire Hathaway Stark Real Estate

     A big thanks to this year’s Chairs, Deano Dalaly, Bill & Cathe Haran, Robin & Mike Hanrahan and to many on our staff, but particularly our Maintenance Staff – Bob Clough, Oleg Starostin, Jay Kleeman and Ray Lacek. Thanks also to a legion of volunteers,  especially Rich Surma, and the two key people from our staff that brought it all together–Jackie Pulkrabek, who you will most often find managing the Front Office, and the one whose arms and heart drive the entire show–our Director of Operations, Bernie Schaeffer.

     Holding the event here on campus requires MUCH MORE detailed effort, labor and time than those we hold at a venue off campus, so please convey your gratitude to those I have mentioned and any of the other amazing volunteers. Also we thank Heybeck’s Meat Market and Catering for providing such a tasty meal.

     You may still support the Gala by purchasing an envelope with a corresponding donation dollar amount in our “May I have the Envelope, Please” challenge.

     Financial results will not be complete until early May pending credit card receipts and other collectables, but early indications are that we will comfortably exceed our goal of $115K profit.

First Communion

This weekend we will again celebrate First Communion with many of our younger parishioners from both Family Faith and our Academy. Some children will also celebrate this most important moment at selected weekend Masses.  I want to thank Dr. Peg Hanrahan, Laura Ferlita and Joan Sloan in Family Faith and this year’s 2nd Grade Catechists , Luis Guttierez, Megan Kaiser, Nicki Muller, Mary Fiandaca along with some 3rd Grade Catechists who taught students who had to wait a whole year: Kathy Oroni, Karen McHale, Karen Cori, Malathi Paul.  I want to also extend thanks to our Principal Kate O’Brien and her staff, including 2nd Grade teachers Cath Lyon and Michelle Wagener.  Thanks to all of you for preparing, forming and celebrating with our parents and children.

Easter Scriptures

     Each year the scriptures we hear during Easter are anchored by the Acts of the Apostles and the Gospel of John.  There are some variations during the three year cycle; for example, some years we hear a second reading from the First Letter of Peter or The First Letter of John.  This year the second readings are almost exclusively from the Book of Revelation, a book that is also attributed to John.

     So far the Gospel stories have included the offering of peace by Jesus in the disciples’ midst, even despite locked doors; the strong desire of the apostle Thomas to have proof of the Resurrected Jesus; a very human interaction with Peter involving fishing; a breakfast around a fire and his feeling distressed because Jesus had to ask him three times if he loved him, all capped off by a new invitation to follow him.

     This week we hear of a simple story in which Jesus refers to his followers as sheep who hear his voice.  He assures us he is holding us as God the Father holds us—securely in his hand. 

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