To register for any of these events please email Marsha Adamczk at madamczyk@holyfamilyparish.org

October 26, 2020 at 7pmOn Hope by Pope Francis
Read this book and “hear” our Pope’s message that God’s love can grace each of us with a lasting a sustaining hope, no matter how dark or confusing our situation. Join us for a discussion of the book led by Fr. Terry on Zoom.

December 1, 2020 6:30pm-8:30pmThe Tenacious and Gentle Mystery of Hope Present by Dr. Terry Nelson-Johnson
Please be with us as we kick off Advent by exploring the mystery of hope during challenging times with our wonderful, spirit filled friend, Dr. Terry Nelson-Johnosn. Terry is the founder of Soul Play, an organization with a mission to bring the Story of God to our stories of life, in the ultimate hope of bring more surprise, joy, delight, and wonder to this endeavor we call faith. This program will take place on Zoom.

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