“Volunteers are significant stewards of our mission”
– Fr. Terry Keehan, Pastor
Our parish depends on ministries supported by you to provide programs and assistance to our parishioners and the community.
During all Masses on September 30th & October 1st we will be called to reflect on our generous gifts of Time and Talent. There will be volunteer sign up cards in the pews. Holy Family asks that if you have an interest in a particular ministry please check the box or write in another.
Helping Hands is a new option where we will call you on occasion as a parish need arises. We ask that you return the completed card to the basket in church or the front office. Thank You!
Eucharistic Ministry
Share Eucharist with our faith community at liturgies and special services. Training is required and provided.
Assist grieving families through funeral liturgy preparation, worship and memorial Masses. Training is required and provided.
Greet and welcome parishioners and visitors attending Mass. Choose a Mass you attend and come 15 minutes early.
Helping Hands
A new volunteer group asks that you offer your services on an occasional basis. You will not sign up for any specific ministry or program, but you will offer to be contacted on occasions that Holy Family needs your help based upon your availability, skills and talents.
Ministers of Care
Bring Eucharist to hospitalized Catholics in local hospitals, nursing homes and the homebound. Training is required and provided.
Musicians and vocalists enhance our liturgy experience. Rehearsals are weekly and additional rehearsals are scheduled for seasonal celebrations.
Supervise the seating and orderly movement of the faithful during liturgical services. Ensure the safety and comfort of the congregation. Gather collections, conduct headcounts and work in conjunction with the Mass Coordinators.