Family Faith to Launch New Catechist Site

pegHoly Family’s Family Faith ministry will launch a new site dedicated to enhancing the experience of adult Catechists.  The new site will provide all the materials needed to effectively manage Family Faith classes held this fall along with links to additional materials.

Dr. Peg Hanrahan, Director of Family and Teen Faith community said, “We designed this new site to provide complete support to our catechists.  These volunteers have to get up to speed quickly and will now have a central location for reference on everything from schedules and biblical information to teaching tips.”

Screen Shot 2016-08-26 at 4.45.04 PMAt the launch, the system will have one more feature that was based on some of the best teaching institutions and corporate best practices.

According to Dr. Hanrahan, “We are planning a blog so that catechists and staff can interact- ask questions, view success stories, and so on.  The blog will be a quick way to get real time information on how to reach to world events and ongoing challenges.  Overall the system will result in young Catholics ready to take the next step to join the Holy Family Catholic Community.”

To learn more about this special ministry, visit us in the Narthex this weekend or click below:

Catechist Webpage

Volunteer Ministry

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