What’s New

The 4:00pm Teen Mass Begins September 14th!

Every 4:00pm Mass is lead by teens. Everything from the band and choir to  the lectors and E.M.’s are teenagers. Even Gospel reflections are given by teenagers. If you are a teenagers or know of a teenager that wants to lead our community in worship please attend any and all of the training’s listed below.

bread wineTeen EM training will take place on Sunday, September 14th at 1:30 pm.

All Confirmed teenagers are welcome. We will begin in the chapel with theology by Fr. Terry. You will be mandated and can serve that day at the 4:00 pm mass!

Teen bandTeen Choir and Band!!! 

  • First Rehearsal and Mass is on September 14th!
  • Rehearsal begins at 2:30 pm.
  • Singers, if you have an iPad or other tablet, you can now use that for your music.
  • Please contact Ann at ann@holyfamilymm.com or call (847) 907-3430 to register and for music website access.



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